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Order a casebrief title from community property and you can get a Foldeez™ Law Outline for the same subject at 1/2 price. If you do not order a Community Property casebriefing book you cannot get this product. If you want to order just the Foldeez™ Law Outline itself go to the Outlines section and order it there.
Each individual Foldeez™ is made of heavy paper stock and three holed punched (so they can fit right in your class note book) and contain all the information you need to know to get an A on your exams. Most of the products contain at least 12 pages of information. Foldeez™ are great for learning the law in a short period of time for law school exam writing. They contain concise, easy to understand explanations of the law. They retail from $1.95 to $8.95. Foldeez™ contain all the law a student should have memorized and be able to recall from memory the night before any exam. They are also fantastic for bar exam review too!
The vast majority of first year students who learn our M.A.D™ study method in their first year of law school simply purchase an exam writing book and a Foldeez™ law outline in their second and third years. It’s all you need once you know what to do.
Community Property Topics: History/Classification/Time of Acquisition/Type of Acquisition/Presumptions Regarding Ownership/Raising the General Pro-Community Presumption/Special Presumptions/Proof of Separate Ownership/Proceeds of Earnings/Proceeds of Separate Capital/Pension benefits/Life Insurance/Borrowed money/Improvements to property/Tort Recoveries/Agreements Between Spouses /Inferred or Presumed Transmutations/Unusual Classification Rules/Management and Control/Gifts/Fiduciary Duties/Incompetency/Debts/Divorce/Death/Ancestral Property Rules/Administration/Creditor Claims/Conflicts of Law/Putative Marriages/Bigamy/Marvin Relationships/Constitutional Law
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