PC Rom Law™
Look at the navigation bar across the top of the page to see all the substantive content you get in Rom Law™; casebriefs, outlines, flash cards, exam writing and Dean’s Law Dictionary.
You Can Demo Rom Law™ for 3 Days … Download Now
Click Here to Download new version 88 (Windows 7- 10) with 22,000 Computer Case Briefs all in one Program.
Try our Case Briefs, Outlines, Flash Cards, Exam Writing, and Dean’s Law Dictionary for 3 Days Before You Make the Best Investment in Your Law School Career.
You can purchase after the Evaluation by launching the product and going to Product registration, then to Purchase and filling in the appropriate details.
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540-868-1708 9-5 pm est m-f …. If the lines are busy call back.
Skype: Romlaw2020
Rom Law™ is the #1 selling product of all time for law students; all on one program all at one low price. There are:
3004 pages of outlines,
22,109 Casebriefs,
12,586 flashcards,
5,019 Q & A
You can also purchase Exam Writing and Dean’s Law Dictionary as add on options.
Licenses are for one year except a Dictionary only license is for 4 years. You can copy and paste everything but the casebriefs; those you can edit and print.
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